06 December 2010

Up and Running

We are live again. I wanted all my past posts and research to be available and searchable for any LDS out there interested in sustainability, since it was such a large effort for me. A little over a month ago I changed jobs and no longer work for the church. Maybe some day I will write all about it, but now is not the time. I am still trying to decide whether to continue this blog or not. In the meantime, at least it is public again.


Th. said...


So glad to have you back!

Patrixjasyu said...

I thought my google reader had gone nuts, but voilá, here you are again.

Michael Carpenter said...

Welcome back. Feel free to share your green ideas with us. Please.

john f. said...

very cool that this is open again -- never understood why it went private! I hope you continue as I am always interested in sustainability in how we build.

Anonymous said...

Welcome back. Say, any word on the future of the Provo Tabernacle? I was sad to hear of its fire damage last month (?) and I sure hope they can save what's left of it.

L-D Sus said...

Glad you are back. I hope your new job is great.

LBP said...

It's good to have you back. Keep posting.